Our original flight home to Edinburgh - via Heathrow - should have been departing from CTI at 19.30 this evening, so we would probably have been in the lounge by now with a glass of MCC.
As it is, we've almost completed our seventh week of lockdown here in SA. We've been at Level 4 for the last two weeks although the only difference has been the freedom to go outside to exercise between sunrise (7.28am this morning) and 9.00am. Otherwise it's essentially the same as the previous 5 weeks.
Aside from clarifying the change in the rules from level 5 to level 4, we have had no other meaningful announcements from the government - although there was a cabinet meeting today and we've just heard that Cyril will address the nation later this evening.
That means that we'll either get an encouragement to abide by the Level 4 rules for a while longer, or a date for the move to level 3. Fingers crossed it's the latter - despite finding a few extra bottles, we are definitely into the final reserves now - although there's still a glass of MCC to cheer the evening
- along with a platter of sushi from the Clubhouse restaurant - which opened for takeaways this week.
Rough old life, I know. Particularly when we consider those people who are relying on the food parcels that Linda and her fellow volunteers were preparing today - and those who fall through the cracks and miss out on even this limited support.
It may be inconvenient to be stuck here longer than we intended; I may be bored with the routine and the limitations on leaving the house; I may have to resort to drinking some excellent wines which were intended for special occasions; and days may be getting shorter; but ......
Anyway, I hope to report on some good news of Cyril's speech later this evening.