Friday 15 January 2010

What it says on the tin!

When you come to the Rain Forest, the one thing you have to expect is Rain.
We arrived on Friday evening after a couple of light showers and woke to clear blue skies on Saturday. However by early evening the rains started and kept going with no more than the occasional 15-20 min break until the following Thursday afternoon. Even the locals think this is unusual since this is the wet season and not the wet wet season.
A good test for the waterproof gear and my favourite piece of kit is definitely my poncho.
In addition to everything being damp, it is difficult to keep your feet dry and warding off trench foot is going to be a challenge.
Still - it is warm, there hasn't been any snow and the sun is shining today!

1 comment:

  1. Don't even think of complaining, or we'll drag you back here.
