Friday 23 April 2010

Home at last

By 6.00pm on Wednesday 22nd April we were sitting on the deck at Moyhill sipping champagne in the evening sunshine with the sound of a cuckoo in the background and the first swallows overhead.

The ferry trip was uneventful , and after a great dinner, bed & breakfast with Uncle Jack in Donaghadee, our drive to Moyhill only took 6 hours - including lunch in Maynooth and a slight detour via Athenry when we missed our turning off the new M6. We had the car unpacked by 4.30 and took advantage of the glorious weather which has continued for our first three days - bright sunshine and 16C today with 19C promised for tomorrow.

Eugene - our very accommodating landlord - has completed the work on the gullies and drains on the driveway and across the front of the yard which should be a great improvement when the rain comes. Like the Isle of Seil, where we were last weekend, the winter here has been very dry - extremely cold but almost no rain or snow. He has also had to replace all the carpet on the ground floor following a burst pipe, so the cottage is in great shape for our return.
We have had a busy couple of days: utilities reconnected - only temporarily as one of the contractors then took out the phone cable with a JCB; Car tax renewed; bank account reactivated; shopping for essentials; and broadband connection set up. Yes, we finally have broadband - in our absence, the wireless broadband coverage has extended to Moyhill and I am posting this blog via our new wifi modem. We also retrieved the MG from Keith’s yard - waterhose repaired and running relatively normally. Now we have to decide on its future.

As I write this on Friday evening - on my new Toshiba NB305 netbook - everything has been unpacked, and normal life has been resumed. We are starting work on the vegetable beds tomorrow morning and planning to have our seeds started in doors by Monday ; watch this space!

In an idle moment, I totted up that I have packed my toothbrush 43 times in the last 4 months and am very glad that it won’t be going anywhere for a couple of months. We had a fabulous trip but - as trite as it may sound - it is very, very good to be home!


  1. Well now that you are snug as bugs in rugs... I met a guy today who just happens to raise chickens. He is into quite exotic chickens and they lay coloured eggs. Not just brown and white but blue and yellow. Who would have thunk such a thing? They also produce an inordinate amount of eggs. Eggs being the staying power of a good chicken. Best Regards.
