Sunday 18 January 2015

Does it get better than this?

Another enjoyable day in Johannesburg - coffee at Origin at Arts on Main and then a relaxed morning wandering around a few of the galleries. Maboneng is very boho, urban cool. We looked in on The Living Room but decided we weren't cool enough to stay. Settled for a good Mexican lunch and a little bit of essential shopping for our safari trip.
A walk in the park with Sue and the dogs and then back to our room to repack for our departure tomorrow morning. Quick dinner at Franco's in Parkview and home again for an early night.
A fairly ordinary day you might say but then I remembered to check the football results to see that Arsenal won 2-0 at City!
Not sure how much internet access there will be while we are in Botswana but expect to be back online before the end of the month.


  1. Essential shopping for safari trip…One of my drinking partners at the Dog & Duck is an old African hand, a fair proportion of the Serengeti wildlife decorate his walls. He recommends the .585 Nyati cartridge. It generates 10,000 lb/ft of muzzle energy and has tremendous stopping power.

    1. Bernie, I understand that the Botswana Army - who patrol the private concessions have a shoot to kill policy for anyone who they find wandering around with any sort of weapon so I was happy to rely on a pair of binoculars - although some of the lion encounters were almost too close for comfort.

  2. Hope your travels are going well.
