Friday 27 March 2020

Lockdown Day One

Since we didn't need to check on any new developments from the High Commission or British Airways overnight, we had our first long lie in a while. This was followed by the Fitlife workout of the day.  Not sure we'll manage all 21 of these but lets see how it goes. Coach John, Liandi, Brendan and Eddie have done a great job and posted our first 4 workouts to get us through to Monday

The lockdown guidelines here say that, unless you are working in an essential service, you should remain in your home property for the entire period. You are allowed to leave between 0400 and 0900 and again from 1600 to 2000 for essential shopping  - only food stores and pharmacies are open - . Otherwise, STAY HOME!  I think we'll be able to stick with this - subject to the delivery services continuing.

Since we are in a block of 6 town houses - and we are the only current residents - we have decided that we can count the communal gardens and car park as part of our property so at least we have a bit of space. We also have a couple of balconies and a lake in front of the house so it's not really such a hardship - particularly for a cynical old misanthrope like me.

Cape Poker - Kniphofia Uvaria

Cape Sugar Bird (male) - Promerops Cafer

Bird of Paradise flower - Strelitzia Reginae

It does mean that we can sit and watch the wildlife for most of the day - a genuine displacement activity - instead of tackling the list of jobs we have prepared - plenty of time next week!

After our meal with Ally and Sue last night, I'm afraid Linda had to settle for a Moroccan sweet potato and chickpea stew tonight - even managed some homemade Ras al hanout - but at least there was a glass or two of the Spier Pinotage to wash it down. Have promised her Pork ribs on the Braai tomorrow night.

Disappointed to find that our fibre internet is a bit challenged by the number of people who are staying home - the  Firestick gave up when the download dropped below 1.5mbps. So back to Montalbano and the Sonos.

Still, that's us through day one - only twenty more to go.

Just as I was about to post this message, I got an automated email from British Airways to tell me that our flight for tomorrow night (24 hours away) is available for checkin - even though it was cancelled yesterday. Ain't technology wonderful!

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