Friday 3 February 2017

More wildlife

Since we are now in the habit of starting early, we were on the road by 7.00 am this morning on the way to Cape Vidal - a 35km drive through the Park. Great road system, well marked and even the gravel sections were level and easy to drive in our Toyota saloon.

At our first stop - as Linda focused on the Water Lilies on the small lake
and I bemoaned the absence of any wading birds - we suddenly noticed that we had been joined by a group of 4 White Rhino - assume a mother with two male calves and an adult male who was waiting for his chance.

I know I commented on the policy of removing horns to discourage poachers but they really do look so much better as God intended.

We also saw a number of Kudu but think this guy probably had the most impressive set of horns even if he was trying to hide in a tree.

There was a lovely sandy beach at Cape Vidal but by the time we got there it was a bit too hot, so we managed a walk on the sand and then headed back home.

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