Thursday 18 June 2009

How do you tell the difference between a shag and a cormorant?

Had a couple of trips last week watching seabirds. The first was on the south side of Galway Bay with an ornithologist by name of John Murphy who took us to see a small colony of terns nesting on an islet in Aughinish Bay. In addition to Common and Arctic terns there were a lot of Sandwich terns and black-headed gulls and even a Mediterranean gull. We also saw a pair of egrets on the far shore.
Then Chris and I saw a few different seabirds – including black guillemots - on our fishing trip.
Finally we went to the Cliffs of Moher with Chris and Ali and were watching puffins, guillemots, razorbills. Found that we were standing next to the warden – Tom – who was identifying different birds for us through his 20X telescope. This led to Ali’s question above and probably brightened Tom’s day considerably!

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