Tuesday 2 June 2009

More wildlife?

As Linda was making lunch on Monday I noticed that we had been joined by a pigeon – it had wandered into the kitchen and appeared to waiting to be served food and drink. Noticed its leg ring and registration number and - having persuaded it to take its lunch outside on the deck – managed to identify it as the property of a member of the Royal Pigeon Racing Association. According to the RPRA website, a lost racing pigeon will usually be on his way home within 48 hours.
Decided to call him Neil - in light of his namesake’s recent blog comment and the pigeon’s green Hibbie neck – and hoped that he would eat his lunch and bugger off without troubling us further. Unfortunately he is still here after 36 hours and if he doesn’t take wing soon may fall victim to the stoat which appeared for the first time this afternoon – perhaps attracted by a pedigree pigeon too dumb to fly away?
True to his word, Keith had appeared on Saturday morning pushing a wheelbarrow with a day old Limousin calf closely followed by its mother and installed them on the paddock. Our duties now include ensuring that there is sufficient water in the trough and feeding the mother twice a day to enhance her milk production. The calf – unofficially named Dougal by Linda and her mum – is cute but very shy and spent most of the weekend sleeping. However by this evening has become a bit more adventurous and started checking out the boundaries of the paddock.
I suggested steak for dinner but had to settle for fish instead.