Tuesday 28 February 2012

Guess that's it then!

Our last home in Chile has proved the ideal place to finish our trip. Our room - at one end of the house - has a great deck and a pool and sits on a slight rise surrounded by the fields - oranges to one side and corn, onions, grazing for the horses on the other along with a variety of other fruit trees. A great place to relax and prepare for our return to reality and all the jobs that need to be done at Moyhill.

Wednesday is our last full day and there is a very good chance that it will be much like today - walk around the fields after breakfast followed by a swim before driving into town for lunch and a little shopping for some snacks for supper. By the time we get back it will be too hot for anything but the pool and perhaps a cold beer or two.

On our evening stroll through the orange groves we were joined by the 5 dogs and a young ginger cat who kept us company the whole way. They come to check up on us when we are sitting on the deck but never overstay their welcome.

The temperature drops as the sun sets, but still warm enough to sit outside and read until it is properly dark and the night sky is revealed in all its glory. I am getting better at identifying the stars but there is such a profusion of them that I need to go back to the star-charts for reference.

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