Monday 23 January 2017

A weekend in Jozi with Sue

Dinner in Parkhurst started with a pitcher of Margarita's in a Mexican restaurant - although Sue was being good - in  preparation for a 60 Km cycle ride the next morning - followed by some very spicy food and a few beers (for me at least).
Uber account still not letting me book anything - have to try again in the morning
Saturday was a very leisurely day - a gentle stroll around some of the shops in Parkhurst - managed to pick up 3 pairs of crystal glasses in an antique shop which is probably not the smartest purchase since we will now have to cart them round for 6 weeks - but they were quite unique.
After coffee and a sandwich we headed back to sit by the pool for the afternoon - took the opportunity to reset the Uber account for one last try which resulted in a message from  the security team at the bank telling me that my credit card was blocked because of an attempt by Uber to verify the account. So not only have they failed to provide any transport but they have also managed to block my credit card which needed an 8 minute call to the UK to resolve. Don't think I will bother any more.
By then it was time for drinks with Sue before dinner with a group of her friends - great meal but a little too much wine and I definitely didn't need the large Talisker nightcap!
Still I slept well - until the noise of the Glossy Ibis in the tree next to our room woke me at 5.00am - isn't nature wonderful - I'd have been reaching for the shotgun if there had been one handy.

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