Thursday 13 September 2018

A walk in the woods

Did I mention that it is a little cool here in the mornings - and no sign of any central heating? This morning was no exception - the outside wall on the bathroom extension of the cottage was a single layer of tongue and groove with gaps which allowed the wind to blow right through.  No hanging around outside the shower here - even had to get dressed before I went back in to shave.

Sean prepared an excellent breakfast and we were ready to go by the time Christophe arrived at 8.30. Shorter trek today - only 8km with a lunchtime finish - but we still climbed and descended a few hills and valleys through the forests. There was a strong wind blowing all morning which kept us cool even though we had plenty of sunshine.

No new bird species today, but we did see a number of new flowers and the usual display of Pincushions, Proteas, Fountain bushes and Cone bushes. We also came upon a Mole Rat who was so intent on digging for bulbs that he didn't even notice us and crawled right over Cristophe's boot.

Another great day of hiking but again we were both glad when we arrived at our destination - Grootbos Family Lodge - for a very good lunch after which Christophe dropped us back to our car and we headed for our cottage at Stanford.

1 comment:

  1. I never would have thought that it would cold in SA. Great pictures and love reading about the adventures. Enjoy
