Friday 21 September 2018

Big Birds

We woke to clear blue skies and warm sunshine - still only 16-17 C but much better than yesterday. Our visit to the Cape Vulture Colony - one of only two in South Africa - started with a short drive to Potberg and then a 45 minute climb to the viewing platform. in front of the cliffs where the birds are nesting.

The Cape Vulture is one of the largest vultures in the world with a 2.6m (8.5ft) wing span and a body weight of up to 10.8 Kg. There are more than 280 birds in the colony at Potberg and they were very active when we were watching them. Impressive birds to see in flight - particularly as they pass directly overhead. 

Many local farmers are cooperating with the conservation project by setting up 'vulture restaurants' where they leave the carcasses of any of their livestock that die naturally and thus provide a ready food source for the vultures - and a tourist income for the farmers.

Another new species to add to our list and perhaps one of the most impressive - and one of the most difficult to photograph.

When we got back, we headed down to the beach to spend another hour or so watching the whales and then it was home for a bottle of Black Oystercatcher Rose as we watched the sun go down. Followed by a bit of sorting and packing  in preparation for our departure in the morning

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