Thursday 13 September 2018

Lancastrian Landlady!

Our landlady at the B&B in Darling was a British expat who had followed her banker husband around the world for most of her life while raising 4 sons. On their retirement they had bought a home in Darling which included some extra rooms  and started the B&B to keep them occupied – as well as being pillars of the community.

I could tell you more because she talked at us non-stop over breakfast each day but I’m sure you would be just as bored as we were. On the other side, she was so uninterested in her guests that she only knew our names and address because they were on the booking confirmation and didn’t bother to ask anything else.

The food served at dinner at Bistro 7 – the only place in town that was open on Monday night – was good although due to the cool weather most of our fellow diners were wearing sweaters and jackets and a few of them were a bit disgruntled because their main courses had been mixed up. Being a ‘modern place’, they had replaced the table candles with coloured bottles with sparkly lights – none of which were working because the batteries were dead.

Probably summed up the place – we were quite happy to get on the road on Tuesday morning heading for Stanford and our three day Fynbos Trail hike.

1 comment:

  1. There is always someone you meet in your travels that sounds just like her. I can only imagine the conversations you have had with her. LOL
