Friday 21 September 2018

In fact it can rain quite a lot.

Despite the bright sunrise which greeted us on Wednesday morning, the rain had started before we had finished breakfast and we were interrupted by one of the guides who suggested that it would be a good idea to postpone our trek to the Cape Vulture colony until Thursday.

We spent an hour or two by a roaring fire in the lodge as the rain got heavier and then headed home to the cottage to try to get warm - it was around 10C outside and not much warmer inside until we got the fire going. Felt a little like being at Moyhill again.

By mid-afternoon, the rain had passed and the sun came out so we headed back down to the beach at Koppie Alleen to see how the whales coped with the passing storm.

They had moved a little further offshore but they were still in easy sight and seemed to be a little more active in the deeper water. 

Looking forward to the return of sunshine and warmer weather on Thursday - if not I'll have to buy some more firewood.

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