Thursday 7 February 2019

Back in Roosevelt E. Roosevelt territory

I'm sure some of you may be interested to know that it is 5C in Edinburgh today according to my smartphone, but the fact that it is 43C here (about 109F for our Canadian friends) is of more immediate interest to us. I think the last time we experienced these temperatures was in 2017 in St Lucia in KwaZulu Natal.

I managed 30km on the bike in the cool morning air, followed by some essential food shopping and a wine tasting at Fairview which allowed us to purchase our wine supplies for the weekend. However by the time we got home for lunch it was already too hot for any outdoor activities.

Currently sitting inside with the blinds drawn and the AC blasting an icy breeze around me - with a chilled Elgin Sauvignon Blanc from Tokara to cool my inner self.

While my conscience is suggesting I should get up and do something useful, the effort of raising the wineglass is as much as I can manage.

Hopefully it will cool down this evening so we can make it to the clubhouse for a sundowner.

PS - Since it was the same price to purchase the new bike as it was to extend the rental until after the Argus, I am now the  proud owner of a very smart roadbike. Not sure what I'll do with it in 9 weeks time but that's a long way off.
Maybe I could take it to Mississauga on our next trip and go cycling with Malcolm and his club!

1 comment:

  1. Ok I will say thats even too hot for me. LOl Tan or no tan unless I spent the day in the pool. Bike or no Bike Mississauga awaits your next visit. Anytime
